
3.4 Set up your SeriesApp (White-Label)

The SeriesApp houses multiple events. It gives event organizers the opportunity to promote all there events in one single app. For event organizers this is the ideal and solution to provide their runners and fans one platform to inform on:

  • Online Registration
  • Social Media
  • Course Maps
  • Event Information
  • Free Push Notifications
  • LiveTracking
  • LiveRanking
  • Leaderboards
  • EventResults
  • Selfies
  • Sponsors

A SeriesApp can be used for unlimited number of events and is event branded. The SeriesApp includes all your events. Events occurred in the past will be archived under previous events. From your organization account you can manage which events should be visible and which events should be hidden. You can also make events 'Featured', so they will be shown on top of the events list and define how many events should show with a custom event logo and background on the event selection screen as 'Promoted' events. All content and tiles can be managed from the specific event CMS page.

1) Setup your SeriesApp

2) Organization

3) Featured Event & Promoted Events

4) Add Events

5) Publish & Unpublish Events


1) Setup your SeriesApp

The setup of a SeriesApp is the same as an EventApp. You can consult this article how to set up your App.

 Contact your Account Manager when you want to set up your SeriesApp.

2) Organization

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Start".
  3. Log in to your existing organization account.
  4. Open your SeriesApp.

Your overall SeriesApp CMS looks like this:

  • Click Event Quick Start Wizard (1) to configure and submit your overall SeriesApp.
  • Click Create an Event (2) to add more events.


3) Featured Event & Promoted Events

  1. Open your Events list.
  2. Go to Config from your overall SeriesApp.
  3. Click Event Config.
  4. Select Events list.


  • You can now define number of promoted events, which will make the top x events in the upcoming events list show with their background and event logo on the event selection screen.
  • Which event should be featured, this event will always show on top of the events list in the event selection screen of your SeriesApp.


4) Add more Events

Click Create an event (2) to add a new event to your SeriesApp.


5) Publish & Unpublish Events 

  1. Go to your SeriesApp overview.
  2. Click the Arrow next to 'View Details'.
  3. Click Unpublish to remove the event from your SeriesApp.
  4. Click Publish to add the event to your SeriesApp.




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