Mar-31,2020; EventApp - iOS 43.110
- Hungarian language added/
- Sporthive Live dynamic link fix: Now always jump to the linked event regardless of its age.
Mar-17,2020; EventApp - iOS 43.109
- Leaderboard header fix: make sure race selector works even if the currently selected leaderboard has no data yet.
- Leaderboard header layout fix: now matches Android (header shows last passed timeline then name of selected race).
- Live photos fixed when showing results data.
Feb-18, 2020; EventApp - iOS 43.105
- Darkmode disabled.
- Bugfix for back button colour after clicking push notification.
Jan-22, 2020; EventApp - iOS 43.103
- Series app changes:
- Past events button now visible without scrolling down
- Search in past events
- Improvements for:
- Selfies
- Live ranking
- Images
- Translations
Jan-09, 2020; EventApp - iOS 43.102
Bug fixes & Improvements
- Removed old code from maps (was causing crashes and making no other difference in the app)
- Fixes for crashes/errors in live tracking screens when PIN used
- Fixed issue where the bottom of the screen could go black after a keyboard had been shown.
- Rewritten series app search/past events views. Performance improved, event logo now included. On search page, upcoming events show first event first, past events shows as last event first.
- Series app ‘recently viewed events’ list now moves events to the start of the list whenever they are visited.
- Alert windows (yes/no style messages) reimplemented.
- Better handling of image gallery permission request (selfies and profile photo screens).
- Provisioning profiles script now hacks the .csproj to make automatic signing continue to work. We can remove that when the Visual Studio bug that caused the problem is fixed.
Dec-10, 2019; EventApp – iOS 43.100
- Facebook webview instead of native implementation
- No connection message when you lose your connection
- Tiles view reloads when internet connection comes back
- Unfollow behaviour changed – app now stays on the athlete detail page
- Menu items order changed
- ‘Live Tracking Privacy Settings’ menu item now always shows when bib claim is turned on
- Dropped iOS 10 support
- Bugfixes