This article will explain in what way a team captain can manage his (business) team.
Login to teamportal
First a teamcaptain needs to login to the teamportal. In the confirmation mail the email and password (not the team password!) is mentioned which needs to used to login.
Manage Team
After clicking on 'manage team' after login, you will see all information about the organization, team(s) and registration (see image below). In this screen you are able to:
- Edit organization details
- Download invoices (if enabled)
- Email all participants (on race or team level)
- Change teaminformation (password or teamname)
- Export participant information
- Remove participants
- Set different teamcaptain
- Buy more teams (business) or participants (flex)
Invite participants
In MYLAPS Registration there are 2 ways to invite members to your team.
- Click on invite member in the teamportal: Fill in the name and email and the participant will receive an email with password and link to register to this team.
- Teamcaptain can share the registrationlink and password the participant(s)