Registration data is required to be able to use LiveTracking and SocialShares. You can manage your registrations and find all saved passings and GPS data for athletes.
2) Edit Registrations & Unclaim Bib
3) Edit a batch of Registrations
1. Add a single Registration
Click Races > Select race > Registrations
Click Add Registration
Fill in all the required information
Save Registration
2. Edit Registrations
Click Races > Select race > Registrations
Click edit
Change athlete information
- If the participant has enabled GPS you can unclaim his bib. For example when someone has claimed the wrong bib.
- You can change the race he or she is participating in. For example when someone switched race just before the start of the race.
- You can change the wave he or she is assigned to. For example when someone switched wave just before the start of the race.
Changes of waves and races can be done during the race. During the race it is not possible anymore to upload a new registration file.
Save registration
3. Edit a batch of Registrations
Click Races > Select race > Registrations
Click Batch edit
- Move a batch of chipcodes to another wave
- Move a batch of chipcodes to another race
- Change the LiveTracking status of a batch of chipcodes
- Hide a batch of chipcodes from the Leaderboard
4. Athlete passings
Click Races > Select race > Registrations
Click passings
- It is possible to delete passings and add manual passings. Please note that deleted passings cannot be restored.
- You can also find all the GPS locations of the athlete when clicking on 'View GPS data'. This data will only be available when the athlete has enabled GPS in the EventApp.
- If an athlete has a new chipcode assigned, you can also assign a new chipcode and move all his current passings to this new chipcode.
5. GPS tracking data
GPS tracking can be used to improve the estimated position on the LiveTracking course map. GPS tracking works in combination with the passing information we receive from the timing mats. The reason we use it in combination with the passing information and not as a stand alone service is because we always position the runner on the course map. If the course goes in a straight line this won't be a problem. However, if the course has laps or goes back and forward, it will be difficult to position a runner at the correct distance by using GPS information only. Please note, this is not a 'normal' GPS tracker!
Click Races > Select race > Registrations
Click passings
Click View GPS data
- Sample time - date, time and timezone information
- Distance - plotted location on course map
- View location - exact GPS coördinates received from athletes phone
GPS tracking requirements:
- Birthdate (athletes file should contain 90% birthdates to enable the bib claim wizard)
- Chipcode
- Bib number
- Start passing (guntime or chiptime)
- Phone, sign up for GPS tracking and start run
GPS tracking rules:
- The GPS location is always plotted on the course map (closest point on course map)
- When we don’t get GPS update for more than 10 minutes, we interpolate with same speed till we receive a new passing or GPS point
- When GPS point is more than 250 meters off course we ignore this GPS point
- When distance reported by GPS tracker is more than 2500 meters away from distance over course (between last crossed timeline and the next one) we ignore it
- Otherwise we take the point over the course closest to the GPS point and use that as the current location. We continue interpolating with the speed from start till the last trackpoint. Until we get a new point
Please note: GPS data and LiveTracking data can be used as extra information for safety purposes, but we never tested it for this purpose and cannot be held responsible for any mistakes in the data.
6. Assign a new Chipcode
Click Races > Select race > Registrations
Click passings
Click Assign new Chipcode
- All previous passings will be copied to the new chipcode