
6.4 Issue a refund

Refunds can be done easily by the organisation itself. To make a refund you need to follow the next steps below:

1) Click on 'transcations' in the race registrations overview (see image below)


2) Click on the button 'refund' (see image below)

3) A popup will open where you need to fill in the requested information:(see image below)
- The amount you want to refund
- The reason of the refund (for your own administration)
- Internal notes (useful for interal use)

4) Click on process refund
5) In the transaction overview the extra transcation (refund) is listed. If the refund is processed succesfully an extra row will be listed

Extra information about Refunds:

  • Refunds can only be done by a user with 'Timer' rights
  • You are not able to refund more than is paid
  • Refunds are possible until the eventdate
  • If you refund the total amount, participants will be moved to the status 'cancelled-refund-pending'. If the refund is processed succesfully the participant will be automatically moved to status refunded.
  • If you refund a partial amount, the participant will be registered
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