
4.1 Setup donations

Mylaps Registration makes it very easy to enable donations during the registration process.

There are two options to donate money:

  1. Free entry amounts: Participants can donate any amount they want.
  2. Prefilled amounts: As organizer you can set up multiple fixed price to donate. Those prices can not be changed by participants.

To set up donations, select the Configure tab and click on Products.

Set up free entry amounts

By clicking add products you will be able to select one of the three products type that are available: clothing, merchandise or donation. For donations select donations in the dropbox and fill in the following information:


  • Product name: The name you want registrants to see for your product.
  • Report code: the name you want the product to have for your reports, dashboard, etc. This name cannot contain any spaces or special characters.
  • Description: A short summary describing the product
  • Price: Fill in the amount of money you would like to set up as a default amount of money or leave it empty. Participants can change in the amount they want to donate.
  • By selecting availability you can specify in which race, group or division the donation is available. If you uncheck the box, donation is available for every event or group.

Set up donation prefilled amounts

The flow of prefilled amounts is the same as the option above. The only difference is:

  • Price: leave this empty or fill in 0,00
  • Donation options: tick the box 'the donation has multiple options'
  • Fill in the amount and the description of your options


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