
Verify PhotoVideo status

During race day you are able to check the status of PhotoVideo if the Integrator is connected to internet. We recommend to have internet available at location during the setup to ensure everything is configured correctly.

Step 1:

Click on the LivePhoto link to view the status of the set up.

Step 2:

Per device it will show if it is configured correctly or not. If not, it will show messages per device of what steps are still needed.

Optional messages:

  • No passing is yet detected: verify if the timing system is connected to the Integrator and do a test passing.
  • Time is not yet synced with a decoder using a gunshot: (BibTag only) use a start button to create a start marker. If you connected the TCP/IP exporter with the EventCMS you can select a gunshot from the decoder or if you did not connect the TCP/IP exporter you can insert the time manually. This will calculate the offset to match photos and videos correctly.
  • Camera is not yet focused using the QR focus tool: focus the camera with the QR Focus Target, click here for a detailed explanation.
  • Start timeshift is not explicitly set: enter the time span to determine how many photos are matched to a participant passing the mat.
  • Stop timeshift is not explicitly set: enter the time span to determine how many photos are matched to a participant passing the mat.

Step 3:

If everything is configured correctly it will show a green check mark!


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